Virgin and Child with a Pomegranate

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Artist: Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano
Artwork: Virgin and Child with a Pomegranate
Description: This painting is a tempera on panel work by the Italian artist Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano, created around 1497. The painting depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child in her arms. The Virgin is seated on a marble bench, and the Christ child is standing on her lap. The Virgin is wearing a blue robe and a red mantle, and the Christ child is wearing a white robe. The background of the painting is a gold leaf with a floral motif. The painting is in the style of the Italian Renaissance, and it is a beautiful example of the artist’s work.
Url: Museum of Art/FrancescodiGentiledaFabrianoItalianactiveUmbriaandMarchesdocumented1497VirginandChildwithaPomegranate.avif

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