A Pelikan and Other Birds by a Basin, known as ‘The Floating Feather’

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Artist: Melchior d’Hondecoeter
Artwork: A Pelikan and Other Birds by a Basin, known as ‘The Floating Feather’
Description: Melchior d’Hondecoeter was a Dutch Golden Age painter who specialized in painting animals, particularly birds. This painting is a fine example of his work and depicts a variety of birds, including a pelican, a crane, and several ducks, gathered around a basin of water.
Url: https://www.anartworkaday.com/reference/master/Museum/Rijksmuseum/EenpelikaanenandergevogeltebijeenwaterbassinbekendalsHetdrijvendveertjeMelchiordHondecoeterca.1680.avif

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